Fifita to make Scarlets debut against Bears

Rob LloydNews

New signing Vaea Fifita will make his Scarlets debut in Friday’s pre-season encounter with Bristol Bears at Parc y Scarlets (7pm).

Signed from Wasps in the summer, the 30-year-old is named at second row in a starting XV containing nine internationals.

Two of those are in an exciting back three with Tom Rogers at full-back and Steff Evans on the wing. Ryan Conbeer is named on the opposite flank.

Jonathan Davies leads the side from centre alongside Scott Williams, while Sam Costelow and Dane Blacker are at half-back.

Up front loose-head Steff Thomas will be aiming to pick up where he left off at the end of last season and he packs down alongside hooker Daf Hughes and tight-head Javan Sebastian in the front row.

Tom Price partners Fifita at lock, while Blade Thomson, Tomas Lezana and Sione Kalamafoni make up an experienced all-international back row.

Head coach Dwayne Peel has named 13 players among the replacements including new signings Iwan Shenton and Griff Evans as well as Academy products Luca Giannini, Archie Hughes and Eddie James.

On the injury front, Leigh Halfpenny and Ken Owens are continuing their rehabilitation, while the likes of Jac Price, Shaun Evans, Joe Roberts and Dan Davis are recovering from surgeries over the closed season.

SCARLETS v Bristol Bears (Friday, Sept 2; Parc y Scarlets; 7pm)
15 Tom Rogers; 14 Steff Evans, 13 Jonathan Davies (capt), 12 Scott Williams, 11 Ryan Conbeer; 10 Sam Costelow, 9 Dane Blacker; 1 Steff Thomas, 2 Daf Hughes, 3 Javan Sebastian, 4 Vaea Fifta, 5 Tom Price, 6 Blade Thomson, 7 Tomás Lezana, 8 Sione Kalamafoni

Reps: Phil Price, Taylor Davies, Alex Jeffries, Morgan Jones, Josh Helps, Griff Evans, Luca Giannini, Iwan Shenton, Archie Hughes, Dan Jones, Eddie James, Corey Baldwin, Ioan Nicholas.