Injury update ahead of Sharks game

Rob LloydNews

Scarlets head coach Dwayne Peel has issued an injury update to the media ahead of Saturday’s BKT United Rugby Championship Round 16 clash with Cell C Sharks.

Speaking at his week’s press briefing at Parc y Scarlets, Peel said: “Johnny McNicholl is not going to be available for a while with his knee injury but he will be touch-and-go to play this season which is more positive than what we thought when he came off against Munster.

“Jon Davies is still struggling with his calf/Achilles. I don’t expect him to play again this season.”

Peel added: “Johnny Williams getting through that game in Munster was huge for us and huge for him because he has been a long time out and he performed really well.”

When asked about which of his Welsh Six Nations players are available, Peel said:  “The guys who played a lot of rugby like Ken and Wyn aren’t. Ken is also dealing with a new-born baby so I am sure he is keeping busy! Kieran (Hardy) is available, I am looking forward to seeing him back in the fold.”