Premier Sports i ddangos pob 151 o gemau PRU ym Mhrydain ac Iwerddon

Rob LloydNewyddion

Bydd Premier Sports yn dangos pob gêm ym Mhencampwriaeth Rygbi Unedig i gynulleidfaoedd yn y DU ac Iwerddon am y pedair blynedd nesaf wrth iddynt ymestyn eu partneriaeth â’r gynghrair.

Gyda nifer o ddarlledwyr PRU yn cael eu cadarnhau, mae’r gynghrair wrth ei bodd i barhau â’i phartneriaeth ag Premier Sports wrth iddyn nhw ymestyn eu hawliau i Iwerddon wrth wneud ymrwymiad cadarn i fynd â’u sylw i’r lefel nesaf.

Bydd enwau cyffredin fel Stephen Ferris, Andrew Trimble, John Barclay, Jim Hamilton, Shane Williams a Tom Shanklin yn parhau i gynnig mewnwelediad allweddol i gefnogwyr Gwyddelig, yr Alban a Chymru gan bersonoliaethau sydd wedi chwarae ar y lefelau uchaf.

Yn ogystal, bydd Premier Sports yn cyflwyno timau sylwebu tir-benodol ar gyfer eu gemau URC byw, yn cynyddu sylw stiwdio ac yn lansio gwasanaeth OTT Premier Player newydd a gwell ar gyfer cwsmeriaid y DU. Bydd Premier Sports yn darparu mwy na 100 o gemau URC unigryw i gynulleidfaoedd y DU wrth i’r gorau o Dde Affrica wynebu eu cystadleuwyr Gwyddelig, Eidaleg, Cymreig a’r Alban newydd.

Martin Anayi, CEO of United Rugby Championship: “Premier Sports have been our biggest supporters in their first three years with us and they are as eager as we are to see the United Rugby Championship set new standards. They have become disrupters in the rugby space having most recently picked up Top 14 rights and from our very first conversations in 2017 they challenged us to show every game live.

“Before Premier Sports broadcast our league fans never had the chance to watch every minute of their team’s campaign – since then Premier have broadcast over 1,000 hours of live rugby and created a new standard that will carry into the United Rugby Championship. Premier Sports want to raise the bar and their marquee names will stir debate to ensure every team’s story is told, they will extend their studio coverage and upgrade the Premier Player.

“We are incredibly excited that Premier Sports will continue to play a major role in the showcasing of our new tournament to rugby fans across the UK and Ireland within our family of broadcasters.”

Richard Sweeney, CEO of Premier Sports: “We are absolutely delighted to have secured another four years of exclusive rights with the United Rugby Championship. Premier Sports will be the only place to watch all 21 game weekends per season from opening weekend to the Grand Final with every single game live on our channels. We’ll deliver all the tournament action across all five rugby nations plus host more than 100 live and exclusive games through the season.

“Aligned with the new opportunities that URC brings, we will be significantly investing in our new URC rights – with more extensive panel insight from studio, more cameras and broadening our mix of commentators from relevant territories for live games. We will also be launching a new and improved Premier Player in time for the new season. Premier Sports will once again showcase the most competitive and the compelling games and provide the most comprehensive live TV coverage where every game counts.”


O’r dechrau i’r diwedd yr unig lle i wylio 151 o gemau yn fyw

Sylw unigryw i fwy na 100 o gemau PRU ledled y DU

Bydd Premier Sports yn cynnal y darllediad teledu byw mwyaf cynhwysfawr o’r PRU yn y DU

Sylw byw yng Ngweriniaeth Iwerddon am y tro cyntaf

Premier Sports rugby’s established team of experienced presenters, commentators and pundits will be back headlining coverage including: Stephen Ferris, Andrew Trimble, John Barclay, Jim Hamilton, Shane Williams and Tom Shanklin

Launch of new and improved OTT Premier Player from start of the new season

Significantly increased studio coverage with competition wide analysis and insight every week

Territory specific commentary teams for live games from a talent team with direct knowledge and background across Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Wales and South Africa

All Edinburgh and Glasgow Warriors shown live both home and away. Premier Sports will be the top spot for Scottish club rugby with 34 out of 36 games exclusively live on its channels.

Every Ulster Rugby game live game plus every Ulster away game exclusively live on Premier Sports in the UK

Mae pob gêm yng Nghymru yn fyw

Darllediad byw o bob gêm yn Ne Affrica a’r Eidal gartref ac i ffwrdd

Ar hyn o bryd mae’r Bencampwriaeth Rygbi Unedig ar gamau olaf o lofnodi cytundebau ffurf hir gyda phartneriaid eraill yn y DU a bydd yn cadarnhau’r trefniadau hynny maes o law.