URC yn cadarnhau’r Scarlets i chwarae rownd 6 a 7 yn Ne Affrica

Rob LloydNewyddion

Bydd gemau’r Scarlets yn erbyn ein gwrthwynebwyr De Affrig yn rowndiau 6 a 7 o’r Bencampwriaeth Rygbi Unedig yn cael eu chynnal yn Ne Affrica yn dilyn cadarnhad gan drefnwyr y twrnamaint.

Oherwydd cyfyngiadau teithio i’r De Affrig a’r wlad ar y rhestr goch teithio bydde hyn wedi golygu i’r timau i orfod hunan ynysu am 10 diwrnod ar ôl y daith dwy gêm.

Er hynny, mae De Affrica wedi dod oddi ar y rhestr goch wythnos diwethaf, felly mae cynlluniau i baratoi’r pedwar tîm i gynnal eu gwrthwynebwyr o hemisffer y gogledd. Mae hyn yn caniatau i bob tîm chwarae naw o’u gemau gartref yn Ne Affrica.

Mae hyn yn golygu i’r Scarlets wynebu Cell C Sharks yn Durban ar Ddydd Sadwrn, Tachwedd 27 ac wedyn i Bretoria i wynebu’r Vodacom Bulls yn Loftus Versfeld ar Ddydd Gwener, Rhagfyr 3.

Dywedodd Martin Anayi, prif weithredwr y Bencampwriaeth Rygbi Unedig: “This is a brilliant result, not only for the South African teams but for the league which now gets to make a tangible impression in this rugby heartland early in the season. Huge credit must go to the South African government, SA Rugby and the leadership figures within our clubs for managing to push through and provide reassurances for these fixtures to be played at their home venues in such a short space of time.

“Up until late last week, it look like a very tall order for this to occur, but now everyone in the league has been bolstered by this news and we will harness that enthusiasm to get ready for some real blockbuster fixtures in Rounds 6 & 7.”

Dywedodd Jurie Roux, prif weithredwr SA Rugby, said:  “Along with our four franchises, we are thrilled with the news. Planning to play our teams’ ‘home games’ in Europe was a necessary step in light of the chaos caused by the pandemic, but we are really grateful that we’ve progressed to a stage where we can now welcome our friends from the northern hemisphere back to South Africa. Combined with the news earlier in the week that limited spectators will be allowed into stadiums, we can now start planning for matches in Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town with fans in attendance. It’s a big step in the right direction.”

Gemau wedi’u cadarnhau i’r Scarlets

R6 – Dydd Sadwrn, Tachwedd 27

Cell C Sharks v Scarlets | 15:30 DU / 16:30 EID / 17:30 DA | Super Sport, S4C, Premier Sports

Yn Stadiwm Jonsson Kings Park, Durban

R7 – Dydd Gwener, Rhagfyr 3

Vodacom Bulls v Scarlets | 17:35 DU / 18:35 EID / 19:35 DA | Super Sport, BBC Wales, Premier Sports

Yn Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria