Gan arwain llwybr newydd i rygbi, mae Pencampwriaeth Unedig Rygbi wedi cyhoeddi partneriaeth newydd gyda Roc Nation, cwmni adloniant mwyaf blaenllaw’r byd.
Wedi’i sefydlu ar bwrpas a hunaniaeth, mae’r partneriaeth yn darparu platfform sy’n dathlu ac yn annog gwahaniaeth, gan ddal dychymyg y genhedlaeth nesaf o gefnogwyr a thalent rygbi. Gyda’r ddau brand wedi’u sefydlu ar werthoedd adloniant cryf, mae’r partneriaeth yn targedu i annog arloesi, cymuned ac uniondeb, gan gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd newydd trwy mentrau pwrpasol ac actifadu creadigol.
Bydd y berthynas yn ychwanegu at bartneriaeth masnachol bresennol ac yn y dyfodol trwy syniadau arloesol ac ymhelaethiad byd-eang.
Mae’r bartneriaeth yn dilyn cyhoeddiad o ffurfiad y Bencampwriaeth, cam ymlaen o’r PRO14, i mewn i fformat o gynghrair 16 tîm, o fis Medi, gan gyflwyno y pedair tîm gorau yn rygbi’r De Affrig.
Dywedodd Martin Anayi, prif swyddog gweithredol o Bencampwriaeth Rygbi Unedig: “Roc Nation is at the cutting edge of sports, entertainment and culture, and we believe there’s no better partner to help us reach new audiences and develop new experiences for fans. We are looking forward to this partnership helping us achieve our ambitions of becoming a strong, purpose-led league where players and fans can have a voice and an influence.
“With an unparalleled network in the world of entertainment and a track record in building strong connections between sporting heroes and their communities this is an opportunity to build towards the ambitious future we have for the United Rugby Championship. We believe that rugby holds a unique inspirational quality and alongside Roc Nation our goal is to inspire the next generation of players and fans from all walks of life to keep growing the game.”
Ychwanegodd Michael Yormark, prif swyddog gweithredol o Roc Nation Unified: Roc Nation is thrilled to embark on this unique partnership with the United Rugby Championship, as they kick start an exciting new chapter in their history, guided by a clear blueprint for success. Leveraging our subject-matter experts across our international offices we are confident that the United Rugby Championship will continue to attract some of the biggest names in world rugby with its modern and collaborative approach to player management and re-define the concept of live entertainment on-and-off the field. Roc Nation is excited to be on this journey with the league.”