Teyrngedau i un o fawrion y Scarlets Phil Bennett

Rob LloydNewyddion

Mae teyrngedau wedi’u talu o bob rhan o’r byd rygbi yn dilyn marwolaeth un o fawrion y Scarlets, Phil Bennett, yn 73 oed.

Yn gymeriad uchel ei barch, mae Benny wedi gadael ôl annileadwy ar y teulu rygbi ac rydym wedi cael ein syfrdanu gan y negeseuon twymgalon y mae’r clwb wedi’u derbyn.

Yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad nos Sul, anfonwyd teyrngedau a chydymdeimlad ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol gan Undeb Rygbi Cymru, Rygbi Iwerddon yn ogystal â’n cydweithwyr o bob rhan o’r URC – y Gweilch, Caerdydd, Dreigiau, Leinster, Glasgow Warriors yn eu plith.

Roedd Cymry Llundain, Pont-y-pŵl, Pontypridd, Yr Hendy, Llangennech, Aman United, Ystradgynlais, Cwins Caerfyrddin, Ffwrnais a chlwb cartref Benny ei hun Clwb Rygbi Felin-foel ymhlith nifer o’r clybiau sydd wedi talu teyrnged i’r gŵr gwych, a chwaraeodd 413 o gemau i Glwb Rygbi Llanelli, ennill dwy Gamp Lawn gyda Chymru a theithio gyda’r Llewod yn 1974 a ’77.

Postiodd tudalen Twitter swyddogol y Llewod y neges hon: “Rydym yn drist o glywed am farwolaeth Phil Bennett. Teithiodd Phil gyda’r Llewod yn 1977 ac roedd yn aelod allweddol o’r ‘Invincibles’ o ’74. Cydymdeimlwn â’i deulu a’i ffrindiau ar yr adeg hon. Bydd colled fawr ar ei ôl. RIP Lion #506”

Mewn teyrnged ingol yn y Daily Telegraph, ysgrifennodd cyn-chwaraewr tîm y Llewod, Ian McGeechan: “Phil Bennett was a team-mate, a fellow Lions tourist, and a friend. Benny was not just a wonderful rugby player but an exceptional human being. I played alongside him for eight Lions tests in 1974 and 1977, and got a real sense of him as both a player and a man. Even at the time I thought that each outing was a rare privilege, and the passage of time has not dulled my appreciation of his genius.”

Roedd y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn gorlifo gyda negeseuon. Aeth Brian O’Driscoll, un o fawrion Iwerddon, at Twitter i ddweud: “A wonderful man, humble & funny who could play a bit. RIP Mr Bennett”

Dywedodd cyn chwaraewr Llanelli a Chymru Jonathan Davies: “I’m so upset to hear the passing of the great Phil Bennett. He was my inspiration as a kid. He even invited me to go sprint training with him when I was in school.  He also called Neath RFC to tell them to give me the opportunity of first class rugby. He became a great friend and I will miss him greatly.  My thoughts and prayers are with Pat his wife and rock and family and friends”

Ychwanegodd un o fawrion arall y Scarlets Scott Quinnell: “Just heartbroken to hear the news. Phil was a legend of LlanelliRFC, WelshRugbyUnion and lionsofficial but more than that just the best man. Thoughts, love and prayers to Pat and the family.”

Dywedodd cyn gapten Llanelli Rupert Moon, dyn a wnaeth arwain ei dîm i fuddugoliaeth yn erbyn Awstralia yn 1982: “True legend…. so much to be grateful for…. on & off the field. Diolch yn fawr. My thoughts are with his family. Sincere condolences.”

Ysgrifennodd y cyn dyfarnwr Nigel Owens ar Drydar: “Very sad news. My deepest sympathy to his wife Pat, the boys, and all the family. Not only a legend on the field but the very best of them off it as well. A true genuine gentleman. RIP

Y Prif Weinidog Mark Drakeford dywedodd: “Incredibly sad to hear this news. My thoughts are with Phil’s family and friends tonight. Genuinely one of the greatest to ever play the game – he will be missed by us all.”

Actor Hollywood Michael Sheen rhannodd: “A part of Wales has been lost. Like some huge, beautiful coastal headland being claimed by the sea. Or perhaps slowly side-stepping into it. What a gift he had. And was. Seeing these tries now brings me to tears. Much love to the family. And thank you, sir. #PhilBennettRIP

Gellir dadlau mai ochrgamu mesmerig Phil a sefydlodd y cais mwyaf erioed i’r Barbariaid yng Nghaerdydd yn 1973.

Darllennodd post ar gyfrif swyddogol y Barbariaid: “Very sad to hear Phil Bennett has passed away.  A true #rugby legend & an iconic figure in our history as shown below.  Thoughts with Phil’s family and friends. RIP Phil” A clip of that Gareth Edwards score accompanied the post.

Eicon Rygbi Lloegr Sir Bill Beaumont

Dywedodd cyn fachwr i Loegr a darlledwr rygbi BBC Brian Moore: “RIP Phil Bennett – a true legend of rugby and a humble and generous man.  Farewell.”

Ysgrifennodd y newyddidaurwr uchel ei barch Peter Jackson: “Every chapel bell in Wales ought to be ringing out tonight in honour not just of one of the greatest rugby players who ever walked God’s earth but the most humble of men. I was blessed to have known him for almost 50 years.”

Ysgrifennodd Piers Morgan: “RIP Phil Bennett, 73.  One of the greatest rugby players in history.  A mercurial Welsh wizard. Very sad news.”

Ysgrifennodd Cymdeithas Chwaraewyr Rygbi Cymru: “Our deepest condolences go out to all of Phil’s family and friends. He truly was a legend of the game who inspired generations.”

Cyn fewnwr yr Alban Andy Nicol dywedodd: “So sad. Benny was some player and some man. So generous with his time and a brilliant storyteller. Thoughts with his family. #RIPBenny

Rhanodd cyfrif swyddogol y Chwe Gwlad y neges hon: “An icon of the game and of our Championship. Rest in peace, Phil”